
Understand the hazards that are likely in the places where you spend a lot of time. The more you information you have about the hazards in your area, the better you'll be able to understand your risks and prepare.



Know When to Go

An emergency might force you to leave your home or neighborhood. Learn when and how to Evacuate safely.



PDX Ready logo. It's triangular with concentric circles inside.


The Portland-Vancouver Region is more likely to experience certain emergencies than other parts of the country. And the hazards that are more likely in downtown Portland are different from the hazards that are more likely in Gresham, Beaverton, or Vancouver. Get familiar with the most likely hazards in areas where you live, work, and play. 

Visit PDX Ready

Type your location in the box below or click on the map. You'll be directed to the PDX Ready website where you can get a personalized report on:

  • The natural hazard risks in your area
  • The steps you can take to prepare
  • Natural disasters that have struck your area in the past