What If...
...the power goes out and roads are blocked?
- Who will need the most help?
- Who will have helpful skills and resources?
- How will we connect?
- How will we help each other?
Who Will Help Us?
In major emergencies, about 90% of rescues are done by people who are not trained professionals. Get to know the people around you so you can help each other during an emergency.
Build Connections With:
- Your neighbors
- Your co-workers
- Parents at your kid’s school
- Owners and staff of local businesses
- People in your spiritual group
- Community centers
- Everyone!
Find Ways to Connect:
- Invite your neighbors to a block party or potluck. Engage them in planning for emergencies. Encourage them to talk to others.
- Reach out to community members with children, additional needs, and pets. Think about who will need the most help.
- Contact local organizations that care for others, such as assisted living facilities. See if there are ways you can help them prepare for emergencies.
- Start an emergency preparedness committee at your work, school, or faith-based organization.
- Get trained by and volunteer for organizations that build community resilience. There are so many options!
Plan Ahead
Think about the online communities you’re already a part of so you can encourage them to prepare now and be ready to share information when something happens.
In an Emergency
During an emergency, post about what's happening in your area. Use #PublicAlerts to add your posts to the crowd-sourced emergency feed. After an emergency, we can use social media tools to give or find help and raise money for disaster recovery.
Create a Facebook group with your friends and family. Join the Buy Nothing Project to meet neighbors and get free stuff for your emergency kit. During an emergency, use the Safety Check feature to quickly reassure your loved ones that you're okay.
Add PublicAlerts to your Twitter feed. Also, follow your local Emergency Management office to get updates before and during an emergency.
Follow your local Emergency Management office on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.